What is your New Year's Sexual Resolution?
Want to dsicover your g-spot or maybe find a new partner in 2009? No matter what you want to do, we want to know about it. As an added bonus, you get to see what everyone else wants to accomplish, sexually speaking, in 2009.
Take the BetterSex.com New Year's Sexual Resolution Poll
#1 Option Now = HAVE BETTER SEX....yes, we can help with that! Receive $5.00 off for taking the Better Sex New Year's Resolution Poll today (use link above).
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Better Sex New Years Poll
Better Sex Holiday Ipod Winner
iPod Christmas Present for Auto Parts Worker
C. Burton from Indiana won our Better Sex Holiday iPod Contest. This wasn't a great holiday for the Burton family since the car business is not doing well. There were few presents under the tree this year. This hard working auto parts manufacturer let us know how much he appreciated having something special to give his wife. Everyone at BetterSex.com and The Sinclair Institute wishes Mr. Burton and his fellow auto workers a Happy New Year and a better 2009!
Better Sex Valentine's Giveaway
Our "bail out" idea is to create the biggest Valentine's Giveaway event ever. We are planning the first Better Sex $10,000 Valentine Giveaway Contest right now. Our Valentine contest will feature brand name toys such as Liberator Shapes, SportsSheets and Cyberskin. Every day in February we will give away an estimated $1,000 worth of cool stuff guaranteed to improve your love life. If you are already a member of our community, you are automatically included. If you would like to be included, sign up for our email today and don't forget to double opt in. Use this link:
Become Part of Discreet BetterSex.com Mailing List
We will have a special Better Sex Valentine Giveaway sign up area soon.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
BetterSex.com Says Happy Holidays
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Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Better Sex Erotic Fiction Book
Summer Erotic Fiction Book + Fall Erotic Fiction Book
We've decided to combine winners from our Summer 2008 and Better Sex Fall Erotic Fiction Contest into one book. Normally, the Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contests are further apart. We wanted our 2009 contest to close on Valentine's Day 2009, so we launched our Fall Erotic Fiction Contest soon after our summer contest closed. Our plans to launch the book from our summer contest by this holiday season have been taken over by events. We will combine the books into one and hope to have it to press in April 2009.
Royalty Checks - Confirm Address
We are working on royalty checks from the first book and audo CD this week. Emails are going out today (Monday 12.15) and tomorrow (Tuesday 12.16) requesting writers to confirm their addresses. If you contributed to our book but did not receive an email by Wednesday, please send your current email to:
Link to 2007 BetterSex.com Erotic Fiction Book
Link to 2007 BetterSex.com Erotic Fiction CD
Link to 2007 Combination of Book + CD
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Better Sex White Album
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Monday, December 8, 2008
Fall Fiction Contest Update
5 Weekly Winners...So Far
We are almost half way through our Better Sex Fall Fiction Contest. Fall Fiction Ends on Valentine's Day 2009. $100 checks have gone out to every winner but 1. One weekly winner in our fall contest also has a story in our BetterSex.com Erotic Fiction Anthology so his check will be combined his licensing check.
Fall Fiction Contest - Judges Work Is Now Complete
The Fall Fiction Contest is now complete and author's notified. The number of stories for our Fall Fiction Contest were up significantly, less than 1 in 100 submitted stories have been selected. All authors may use "fiction" in our cart to receive 10% off any order they place (be sure to click "update cart" as that action confirms your discount).
"Fiction" = 10% off any writer order AND writer's may share this code with friends, good through Valentine's Day 2009.
Vote Now
This week we get personal early and silently. Be sure to vote for your favorite:
Getting Personal by By Elise Logan
Bright and Early By L.C. Pine
Silent Satisfaction By Scott Douglas
Royalty Payments - Notice
If your story was featured in our 2007 BetterSex.com Erotic Stories Anthology, you will be receiving a royalty check. Checks are being cut and mailed this week. If your story was featured in our book, please be sure to provide your current mailing address to msmith(at)BetterSex(dot)com.
Honest Voting
We had an accusation of voter fraud last week and checked our algorithms closely and carefully and did not see evidence of fraud. Stuffing ballots is something we take VERY seriously and want to make sure every contestant knows to be sure to tell their friends to vote within our guidelines. In our last contest, we had to eliminate a writer because his friends stuffed his ballot box. We were forced to remove his story and he was not eligible for the fall contest. Please be sure your friends know they may only vote for your story once.
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Berman Center® Line
Better Sex™ introduces The Berman Center® Line!
Dr. Laura Berman has been working as a sex educator, author and therapist for over a decade and now runs the Berman Center® in Chicago, a state-of-the-art facility for sexual health using a mind-body perspective.
Pleasing, quiet and ergonomic designs along with Better Sex™ discreet shipping make The Berman Center Intimate Accessories Collection® a must-have line of intimacy products. The Berman Center® Line includes everything from kegel exercisers to remote-controlled stimulators to dilator sets.
Click Here to start your personal collection today.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
We Are Thankful For....
What makes Thanksgiving a great holiday? Stopping and thinking about all those "glass is half full" moments in our lives. In truth, most of our glasses flow well over the brim. Sometimes we walk through our lives not seeing ever-present magic and grace. Sometimes we treat our partners, lovers and friends with indifference. We take them for granted.
Thanksgiving is our national day of atonement. The pilgrims survived hardships we can't conceive much less find our way through. They fought for a toe-hold in a hostile new world. They sat down together to breathe a collective sigh of relief and give thanks. Thankful for the abundance of their lives, full lives with challenges at every turn, they gathered to hold a moment, to be thankful, to share and love.
Times and challenges change, but a day to hold, share and be thankful is a valuable tradition. If you are reading this on Thursday we are home with our families and friends being thankful for things such as:
- our customer's support, intelligence and involvement in our business
- the opportunity to help people find each other
- the privilege of service our chosen profession affords
- great employers and employees
- the honor to do what we love and get paid for it
A bullet list seems a little impersonal but it is past 3:00 and I have to go gather things to re-heat for my Thanksgiving meal with my brother Drew tomorrow. I don't cook as much as I heat up since that is the safer thing to do (by far). Cooking is an art and one I've never mastered. If you are cooking tomorrow I salute you.
I am not going to proselytize too much in my Thanksgiving message, but there are a few things going on right now you should know about:
- 25% off Sale Ends on December 2nd (we are also calling this our Better Sex Black Friday Sale) and it ends on Tuesday morning December 2nd.
- Testing Lower Free Shipping - Got permission to test a $39.00 "trigger" on our free shipping during Thanksgiving. This too will end on December 2nd.
- How Free Standard Shipping Works - When you place $39.00 or more in your cart standard shipping is on us. The cool part, and something 50% of our customers do, is you can upgrade to 2 Day Air for $6.00. This upgrade gives you a tracking number, gets your purchase picked faster and cuts shipping time (especially to the west coast) down to almost nothing. Best $6.00 you will spend.
- Erotic Fiction Voting - One of my favorite authors has 3 stories in our contest this week. Vote counts matter, so please read K. Pratt's stories and pick your favorite here: http://www.bettersex.com/t-erotic-fiction-contest-story1.aspx.
- Save Your Love Life, Save The World - We received great feedback on our desire to share our bounty around the world. Many people have asked to help by selecting donate to DKT International as one of their "free gifts" at check out. Don't know about you, but I love the idea there is a little girl or boy somewhere in the world who is alive today because DKT helped protect their family. Save Your Love Life TO Save The World, and thanks.
- 5 New "Helping Hands" product videos - Our customers love what we call our "helping hands product videos" because they show how our toys actually work. In our latest videos, done by some true Pros From Dover, you can HEAR how powerful the vibration is and get a real sense of every product feature. Here is where you can find our new product vids:
We-Vibe (yes we do)
16 Function Rabbit (finally back in stock!!!)
Silicone Triple Orgasm Cock Ring (become part of the cock ring revolution)
Lucid Dreams #14 (14 different levels of cool pleasure here)
B3 Tuyo (this little ball will rock your world) - We lost our "Tweet" coupon there for a few days, but it is back now and don't forget to follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/bettersexweb. I am about to post what using Tweet in our secret code area will get you now that it is fixed.
Call Center Holiday Hours
The Better Sex Customer Service Call Center is closed from 3:00-6:00pm (EST) on Thanksgiving Day (November 27th) so that representatives may observe the holiday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rabbit Super Finally In-Stock!
The Story of the 16-Function Rabbit Super...
We sent out several of the 16-Function Rabbit Super to our Better Sex Buzz Team this June. It was such a hit with them, it's no wonder why it was a huge success. Within a couple months, the 16-Function Rabbit Super was consistently on back-order.
Finally we were able to catch up and the 16-Function Rabbit Super is back in stock and ready to complete your collection. Click Here to check out the new demo video!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest - Week 2
Erotic Fiction Week 2: Touching broken rules.
This week's contest features stories from returning writers with A Rule Worth Breaking building a lead. Here is how this week's race looks as of Friday around noon:
Vote for your favorite story this weekend:
Story 1: Touch Me by Madison Paige
Story 2: A Rule Worth Breaking by Heather Lin
Story 3: Oh What Fun It Is to Ride by L R Stewart & F Norman
Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest - Update
Fiction Contest Schedule - Through Week 5
Our original plan was to be through all stories by this time. That has not happened due to the number of stories received and other factors (nasty flu). We are scheduled now through week 5, so there are 30 more stories to be selected. Guess what we are doing this weekend? Reading your stories. Notifications have gone out to authors selected through week 5. Our goal is to have all notifications out by the end of next week.
Thanks for your patience,
msmith(at)BetterSex (dot) com
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Save Your Love Life, Save The World
We are having a few early bumps on our Better Sex Save Your Love Life, Save The World campaign. The DKT donation is not working at check out yet. We are working on this as I write this and it should be available tomorrow. If you would like to know more about Save Your Love Life, To Save The World use the links below:
Save Your Love Life, To Save The World Main Page
Save Your Love Life Page
Save The World Page
Enter our Save Your Love Life, Save The World Contest:
Take our poll
IVoted Special
$5.00 or $10.00 Off Today
Type "ivoted" in our shopping cart, click "update cart" and we will reward your waiting in line to do your civic duty with $5.00 off orders below $50 and $10 off orders of $50 or more. Today only and thanks for voting.
Better Sex Fall Fiction Contest - Story Schedule
Better Sex Fiction Contest - What is happening now.
The deadline for story submission was Saturday. We are going through all submissions now and confirming their receipt. This is going to take until Wednesday the 5th (at least). We are working our way through stories and should be done with notification next week. *** Note, we are up to week 5, so we are now 1/3 done. More notifications are going out the week of 11.17. ***
Vote Now
Every week 3 new stories will need your support, so please use the link below to cast your vote. Somewhere in Iowa, Los Angeles, Boston, Canada, Great Britain or New Zealand there is an author who needs your support. Help support a writer this holiday season by casting your vote in the contest with the largest award for an amateur writer. Here is where you can find all 3 stories every week:
When will my story run?
If your story is selected, we will move it into a "publication slot". We are working on our publication schedule now. Our plan is to notify all authors by 11.21 (we are behind) but it may take a little bit more time based on the number of late entries received. Only the first five weeks of stories are determined as of today. The rest of the contest is being scheduled now based on our reading.
Where should I link to send my voters?
We are using the main fiction page as the hub this time around. This prevents any incorrect links, so all stories will be staged from this link:
Can I use your logo on my blog?
Yes, in fact we are creating a new version of our logo that writers whose stories have been selected may use since being selected is itself an award. We will also have special logos for Weekly Winning stories, semifinalists and the Grand Prize winning story. We will post those new logos to the main page: http://www.bettersex.com/t-erotic-fiction-contest.aspx
How will you make sure voting is fair?
We've developed a voting algorithm that detects unnatural voting patterns. This algorithm successfully determine there was an attempt at fraud in the summer and we removed the story and disqualified the author once fraud was proved.
How many votes can I cast?
We have blocks on the system that prevent anyone from voting more than once with the same computer. We do allow authors to vote for themselves twice figuring most of us have more than one computer these days, but please do not go to the library and vote on every computer there (this actually happened in the summer). Our safety measures pick up artificial patterns like this and we will be forced to remove your story.
What if My Story is Second?
Vote count is very important. Last year we had to remove a story. When we did that we went to total vote count to determine what story would become the replacement. If your story is second on a week with a very high vote count the contest may not be over for you or your story. This year we've also instituted a "judges wild card" pick for a story that did not win its week but we feel should be in the semifinals. Votes matter, so even if your story is not winning encourage your friends to vote as you never know what will happen.
What Happens now?
3 stories go online every week from now until Valentine's Day 2009. Each week the story with the most votes wins $100, will be included in our 2009 book and gains entry to the semifinals. Every weekly winner is then run off to determine finalists. Finalists go to 3 judge panel to determine the Grand Prize Winner. Our goal is to announce the winner on Valentine's Day 2009.
Erotic Fiction Contest Updates
You may want bookmark our Better Sex Blog http://better-sex-buzz-team.blogspot.com/ since this is where we will post helpful information and contest updates. We will also post updates to our Twitter feed: http://www.twitter.com/bettersexweb .
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Fall Erotic Fiction Contest - Submission Deadline
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wicked Promo Kit Pictures
Check out the Wicked Review Contest Spoils! In honor of their recent releases, The Wicked and Fallen, Wicked Studios created 250 limited edition press release box sets for industry leaders. We've decided to share the wealth and give away our one-of-a-kind kits. These kits are not available in any store, so enter to win! How can I win? Click on link or scroll down.
The Wicked Promo Kit includes a boxed art copy of the all-new movie The Wicked, a t-shirt and toboggan cap with title art and a cool, blood-filled mousepad. All in a beautifully crafted 10x12x4 inch box, shown above. (click picture for larger view)
Friday, October 17, 2008
WICKED product review contest.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest
Good Erotic Fiction Contest Questions Coming In:
Hi -
When will the results of the contest be announced? Are multiple submissions allowed?
Martin's Answer:
There are three result sets in the contest. 1. = selected to have your story go online (no $$ for this). 2. Win your week ($100 for this) and 3. Win the Grand Prize ($3,000 for this awarded on Valentine’s Day 2009.
Multiple submissions are allowed.
msmith (at) BetterSex (dot) com
P.S. Previous contest writers have asked if they need a new 2009 limited release. IF we already have a release for your story we are good.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sex Education Super Sale
Mix and Match
For a limited time you can create your own Better Sex Video Series. We've reduced prices on our best adult sex education titles from $24.95 to $16.95. Even better, select three DVD's and your price for each DVD drops to $11.95. The more you buy the more you save.
Look for our Better Sex Video Series Mix and Match Contest coming next week.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pink Silky steals the show in "Burn After Reading"
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For Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Any Time Is A Good Time To Think Pink!
Here at BetterSex.com, whether it’s October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) or any other month, we “Think Pink!” Pink is important, powerful and influential.
We’ve introduced a hot new vibe. The Petite Pink Ribbon Vibrator from our Natural Contours line is sleek, small, and super quiet - perfect for when you wish to be discreet. Designed by women for women this petite wonder has a new velvety smooth feel with a shape sure to please. Okay, so you’re thinking why pink? The Petite Pink Ribbon was created to commemorate breast cancer awareness, however like we said earlier – anytime is a good time to Think Pink! A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each and every Petite Pink Ribbon Vibrator goes to support the fight against breast cancer.
Not interested in the Petite Pink? No problem - check out these other pink vibrators. Plus, you can still help support the fight against breast cancer. Next time you visit bettersex.com, simply choose "Donate $1 to fight breast cancer" as one of your free gifts. You earn 2 free gifts whenever you purchase $24 or more, so you can select something fun in addition to your generosity for a good cause.
Find out more by clicking here.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Better Sex Halloween Costume Contest
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Whoops - Lost Summer Erotic Fiction Winners
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest #5
Submission deadline = Sunday November 1st at midnight.
Better Sex Erotic Fiction 5: Contest Details
Use the link above for contest details, send your erotic fiction to siiweb @ BetterSex . com.
Good Question
Several writers have asked a question about our new limited release form. If you have a signed a 2008 limited release form on file there is no need to sign the new one since we didn't change it that much. Stories not published in our Better Sex Summer Erotic Fiction Contest do automatically roll to consideration for our 2009 Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest #5.
We are reading and working on schedules and stories now. Submission deadline for Fall is November 1st at midnight.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Liberator Ramp On Sale
Barbara Streisand Liberates George Clooney
Barbara Streisand used them as a free thinking sex educator in the 2004 feature film Meet The Fockers. Now George Clooney demonstrates them in the new Coen brothers movie Burn After Reading. Hollywood rarely finds trends but they sure amplify them. The New York Post ran an article about how sales of Liberator Shapes Ramp were "burning up" after the Coen brothers art director included the ramp. The piece implies Hollywood's endorsement of "sex toys" bestows some magical "mainstream" approval.
Our customers don't need Hollywood's permission to improve their sex lives. We've seen strong sales of Liberator Shapes for years. Crazy us, we attributed this sales trend to the product's effectiveness (they really work, read Liberator Ramp and Wedge Reviews) and baby boomers being smart enough to recognize a helpful product when they see it. Crazy us.
Here is the thing. These dense foam shapes will help you and your partner discover new sex positions while saving knees, backs and hips. They aren't cheap, but movie hype has their creators seeing stars apparently. They've reduced our cost (so we can reduce yours). They are also sending us samples we can share with our Better Sex Buzz Team. Look for more Buzz Team Liberator reviews soon.
Another cool thing about Liberator Shapes is they are sexual furniture that looks like everyday reading pillows. You can have your Liberators all over the house and most won't have a clue what they are for. Of course if Angelina Jolie uses them in her next film all bets are off and the secret is out. Even if you don't see the Burn After Reading, we guarantee your satisfaction with anything you purchase from BetterSex.com including George Clooney's Liberator Ramp.
Liberator Ramp On Sale
Liberator Ramp And Wedge Combination (our best seller)
Liberator "Get It All" Kit - Exclusive to BetterSex.com
Liberator Great Sex Kit - Exclusive to BetterSex.com
Liberator Kama Sutra Sex Positions Kit - Exclusive to BetterSex.com
Have a great weekend everyone.
msmith @ bettersex . com
Thursday, September 18, 2008
DVD Promo Email
Hey everyone!
Yesterday we sent out a promotional email stating that there were DVDs for $5.95 and up. It was brought to our attention that there were no $5.95 DVDs showing on the landing page where the email directed viewers to. We apologize for that and have fixed the issue. A few of them are listed below with direct links to the product pages.
Sorry for the mix-up and thanks for the feedback!
Jeff L.
Email Marketing Manager
Carmen & Austyn $5.95!
Cute Carmen Luvana, adorable Austyn Moore, and their hot girlfriends take lesbian lust over the edge in this adult movie from Better Sex! Carmen and Austyn start out with a playful redhead that penetrates blonde Austyn with an amazing array of adult sex toys.
There's a fine art to sex, and when you're the owner of a gallery specializing in the erotic, you get to see a lot of art being created. Zara travels from one studio to the next as hungry artists show her their latest lusty projects, even inviting her to participate.
Watch Carmen and Ava, two bodacious beauties in non-stop lesbian sex! Irresistable Carmen Luvana plunges her many toys into both openings of her best girlfriend. Sultry Ava Rose uses her strap-on to pleasure blonde, adorable Bree Olson.
Did you miss this email and want to get future email promotions? CLICK HERE
You even get a reward for signing up!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
International Shipping
Better Sex prides itself for our quality, customer service and discretion. We received some feedback from one of our Canadian customers through our fulfillment survey service. This customer brought up a very good point that other international customers may be unaware of.
International Customs
(reference from about.com)
- How the process works:
As with all goods coming into Canada, a proper declaration must be made on any items being imported by mail to enable border services officers (BSOs) to correctly assess the incoming goods.- When an item is mailed to Canada from abroad, the sender completes a customs declaration form giving the value, origin and a detailed description of the goods.
- Upon arrival in Canada, all international mail items are presented by Canada Post to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to process through the Agency’s Postal Program.
- BSOs visually inspect each piece of mail to determine its admissibility and confirm whether it contains dutiable or taxable goods. If the BSO determines that a mail item is not prohibited from entering Canada and is not subject to duties or taxes, the item is released to Canada Post for immediate delivery.
- Otherwise, the BSO forwards the item for further inspection by the CBSA or by another government department or agency before the item can continue in the postal process.
- When an item is mailed to Canada from abroad, the sender completes a customs declaration form giving the value, origin and a detailed description of the goods.
The description we choose for products are as discreet as possible for the privacy of our customers. These descriptions include: DVD, massager, lotion, battery, swing, game....etc. While it is our intention to maintain each customer's privacy, we must comply with state and federal guidelines.
Better Sex Shipping = use this link for more information concerning our shipping
Country Regulations = use this link for more information concerning international regulations
Monday, September 15, 2008
Super Silicone
Silicone Sex Toys
What makes silicone products so valuable? An easy answer to that question is found in the definition of silicone:
silicone sil·i·cone (sĭl'ĭ-kōn')
n. Any of a group of silicon compounds in solid, liquid, or gel form, characterized by wide-range thermal stability, high lubricity, extreme water repellence, and physiological inertness and used in many medical products, including surgical implants and dental impression materials.
Simply put, silicone is longer lasting, waterproof, and non-porous so it does not promote bacteria growth—plus it feels great! Our customers agree...
Here's a list of some of our Best-Selling Silicone Sex Toys:
A hands-free simultaneous G spot and clitoral stimulator, AND a revolutionary design that can be worn DURING intercourse. Made from silicone and waterproof.
Fleshlight & Better Sex Essentials Gel
This substantial male masturbator is discreet, smooth, soft and snug! Unscrew the top and slide your lubricated penis between the realistically fleshy folds of this super-soft smooth and 8" deep fleshlight.
Silicone Triple Orgasm Cock Ring
The Silicone Triple Orgasm Cock Ring is proof that the number of orgasms you and your partner can have is only limited by your supply of batteries and your stamina.
The Cone
Shaped like an upside down ice cream cone, the cone pinpoints vibration. What will really get you going, both literally and figuratively, is The Cone’s powerful 3 Volt 3000rpm gold brush motor with 16 pre-programmed vibration patterns.
Better Sex Essentials™ Lubricant Collection
And last but not least is our new Better Sex Essentials™ Lubricant Collection. This collection includes all our best-selling lubricants! The Gel or Liquid Lubricants are perfect and safe to use with all our silicone products. Don't forget the Silicone Lubricant for those steamy shower sexcapades!
More Silicone Products On Sale = use this link to learn about other cool silicone products.
Design Within Reach
Featured Website: DWR.COM
Every now and again we like to talk about great websites that we don't run or have any relationship with other than admiration. Design Within Reach is a great company and a ray of hope in the universe. If you love design and have some extra cash, cheap is not a word I would use for DWR, then stop by Design Within Reach before Tuesday when their Free Shipping sale ends.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Never Too Rich, Too Thin or Too Much Lubrication
Better Sex Essentials
We've amended a cliché to be funny about an important sexual health issue. Lubrication is an essential ingredient to better sex. You wouldn't think of running your car without regular oil changes. Yes this is yet another example where we treat the objects in our lives better than our own bodies and minds (interesting subject for a future post). We know you can never be too rich, too thin or have too much lubrication.
Passionate About Lubrication
We have 42 very positive reviews on our Better Sex Essentials Gel Lubricant. If that is not the most reviews we have on a single product it is close. Almost every Buzz Team member has shared their experience.
Read Better Sex Essentials Reviews
Money Back Guarantee
Try one of our Essentials lubricants and if you don't love it and want to write our 43rd positive review we will refund your money. No harm, no foul. Even better, buy 2 bottles of lube and receive a Free DVD, toy or some more lubrication. We are so sure you will love your Better Sex Essentials personal lubricant you get to keep the freebies if you don't feel like you can write the 43rd positive review. Please keep in mind we have a $24 "trigger" on our free stuff, so it takes (2)bottles to choose 2 Free Gifts (with a street value of $30+ usually).
See All Better Sex Lubricants
Or use these links to go directly to your favorite:
Better Sex Essentials Gel Lubricant
Better Sex Essentials Liquid Lubricant
Better Sex Essentials Silicone Lubricant
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Better Sex Shopping Cart
Creating Clarity About Shipping Costs
A big THANKS to our customers who helped us realize our shopping cart is confusing. There is confusion about shipping costs as I explained in my How Free Shipping Works post. Final shipping costs aren't set until checkout. The cart is an estimate based on the information we know at this early point. We don't know much in the cart. We haven't fully calculated your order total yet so we don't know if you qualify for Free Shipping. We don't know if you are using a promotion code or if you are from a foreign country.
We face a difficult choice when redesigning our shopping cart. Adding information into the cart could slow it down. This is why working with the Web is fun. Everyday (it seems) we face hard choices about the lesser of two evils. In this case, we've decided to keep the cart static, to not slow it down by making it dynamic (i.e. having the correct shipping cost). But, we did add a new graphical element to try and better explain that shipping costs in the cart is only an estimate. Final shipping charges are set on the second step of our check out because by then we know more about your order.
Selecting $6.00 Two Day Air = Growing Trend
Since lowering our Free Shipping "trigger" to $59.00 we've seen a significant increase in 2 Day upgrades. Once you qualify for Free Shipping by having $59.00 or more in your cart, $6.00 pays for UPS 2 Day Air. We may hve the cheapest air option online!
We added a graphical element explaining BetterSexl.com shipping options. Options become final at stage 2 of our checkout:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Male "Enhancement" Pills Do Not Work
Lies, Damn Lies and Prison for Smiling Bob
In a "there is justice in the world" moment Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals founder Steve Warshak was sentenced to 25 years in prison and a fine of $500,000,000 yesterday. Berkley, creators of the "male enhancement" pill Enzyte, sold an unethical product in a slimy way. Smiling Bob, the character Berkeley made ubiquitous, was synonymous with feeling better about yourself because your penis became larger thanks to Enzyte's magic.
Only there wasn't any magic. Bob was a fabrication along with the product's promise. The company exploited feelings of inadequacy harbored by many men. We receive emails almost daily asking about "male enhancement". Speculating on sources for such absurd feelings would be fruitless. Do these feelings come from our "bigger is always better" culture? Does the idea that we are inadequate come from living in a "pill" epoch where every perceived shortcoming can be overcome by a pill? We may never know where such cultural angst originates, but Smiling Bob's demise may help us end the foolishness, stop the madness.
Genes + Knowledge
There is no avoiding your genes. Your genes may not determine your destiny, but they certainly determine what you have to work with. Do you feel inadequate because of the size of your thumb? Our guess is you never think about the size of your thumb, but, like your penis, its size is set by your genes. Do you take pills to have bigger thumbs? The idea sounds absurd. It sounds like spam you get from a Prince in some country you've never heard of who just needs a little money to free up a vast sum that he will gladly send to you. We don't take pills to make our thumbs bigger nor do we send the prince money. Sending money to Smiling Bob or anyone else to make your penis larger is equally absurd.
If you go to the gym, work with a personal trainer or try to eat right you are shaping your genes. You are working with what nature gave you in the hope you can be "better". There are exercises to make your penis stronger and we will discuss them in future post. This post is about understanding the goal of penis enlargement. Why do men what a larger penis? Why does size matter?
Size matters because quantity over quality is what the Smiling Bob's of the world sell. Smiling Bob's promise is you will be a better lover if your equipment is larger. This is Bob's greatest lie. It is not logical. Here is a short list of some characteristics involved in being a great lover:
- Ability to care about someone else at least as much as you care about yourself.
- Communication skills - the ability to send messages and, perhaps more importantly, listening skills that connect you to messages sent by your partner.
- Knowledge - knowing some basic biology and how you and your partner's body "work".
- Care - knowing someone intimately requires consideration before, during and after.
- Skills - think about the first time you do anything, are you as skilled as the 100th time?
Would you put "size of partner's thumbs" anywhere on this list?
Of course not, because the size of your or their thumbs is immaterial, unimportant and no one would think to include it in an inventory of what makes a great lover. Apply that logic to your penis and never give money to the Smiling Bob's of the world. In fact, anyone who tells you the only way you can be adequate or acceptable is to buy their product is a liar, a damn liar and belongs in the cell next to Smiling Bob.
Male Enhancement That Does Work
We believe life is an educational journey. We can always improve. We can learn new things. Education as "male enhancement" has proven results, doesn't come in a pill and takes a little commitment and work. Anything that creates lasting change and value ALWAYS takes something. One of our ad tags is "knowledge is the best aphrodisiac" and it may be the best "enhancement" too.
We can learn how to cook better, play golf better or make love better, but our glass and yours is already more than half full. We can shape our genes but there is never a need to change our appearance because a Smiling Bob sold us a false idol. We are good to go and so are you.
Read more about Smiling Bob's unprecedented sentence at:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Everything is Free Sale *
Better Sex Back To School Special
* For a limited time, purchase the most popular adult sex education DVD's in the world, The Better Sex Video Series ®, and select anything $39.85 or less for FREE. We ran this BTS special for the first time last year and it was popular. Hundreds of products become Freebies. Q: What the most popular customer choice the last time we ran this offer? A: Another copy of The Better Sex Video Series. This result surprised and delighted us too.
Our customers share how our best selling adult sex educational DVD's changed their lives in reviews, videos and emails:
- Saved Marriages
- Opened lines of communication about sex
- Quality of Sex improved
- Frequency of sex increased
- Sex became fun again
- Got out of a sexual rut
Read more customer reviews. Watch Customer video testimonials.
Want to see some examples of what is FREE when you purchase the Better Sex Video Series? Everything on each of these links is Free, Free and Free when you purchase the Better Sex Video Series today.
Free Adult Sex Education Titles
Free Lingerie
Free Vibrators
How long can we afford to give away everything for free? As much as our customers love this sale our bankers hate it, so "limited time" could be tomorrow (lol).
Thanks to everyone who visited over Labor Day. Our Labor Day 25% off the site sale was a hit. Where you at the beach during our sale? Don't miss the next one, sign up for email or follow us on Twitter.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest - Winner
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25% Off Everything - Last Day
Labor Day Sale Ends Today
Hope everyone had a GREAT Labor Day. We find these Monday Off vacations a little strange. Monday seems like Sunday and Tuesday definitely feels like Monday. We've taken a peek at our sales from the weekend and it looks like more people visited BetterSex.com than last Labor Day. We appreciate your forgoing the beach to visit us. We didn't want to do ANY programming this past weekend, so TODAY is the lat day of our Labor Day Sale.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My Sex Life Sucks
My Sex Life Sucks
How do you know when your sex life sucks? If at least 2 of the following conditions are TRUE for your sex life it probably sucks:
- You leave the television on while you make love.
- Your dog, cat and/or Iguana doesn’t get off the bed anymore, they just ride it out looking angry and knowing.
- The most recent spontaneous thing you did together was the laundry.
- Your last conversation about sex was in college.
- Dinner and a movie is really dinner and a movie.
- You purchased a flat screen TV in time for the Super Bowl.
- You are never in sync, when he is ready she is tired and vice versa.
- The actual act of sex is taking less and less time.
- Your last love making session didn’t make it through the entire commercial break on American Idol.
- The last massage you received was from your dryer, whirlpool, pet or those strange wooden things on the back of your car seat.
- You would rather go to the Dentist than make love with your partner (this condition counts as 2).
[ Send your favorite My Sex Life Sucks Because….ideas to siiweb @ Bettersex . com and we will include them here. ]
My Sex Life Sucks, Now What?
Having a less than rewarding sex life is not uncommon. I loved this AARP Sexuality In Midlife study stat:
Nearly one-third of men and women with partners ranked their sex life somewhere between "yawn" and "bloody awful.
Here is how that scale would look:
If your sex life sucks, you are not alone (by a long shot). We’ve seen a disturbing trend of ever young people complaining of “boring” sex lives. We are so MTVed and over saturated by media we habituate to anything now at hyper speeds and that condition brings us to our first tip.
Better Sex Life Tip 1: Slow Down
Why do we speed up things that should be slow and slow down things that should be fast? The tide of our lives pulls us hither and yon. Speed seems to have its own self justifying course. We are important because we are so busy. We are so busy because we are important. This is circular goofy reasoning. The problem is it is VERY ADDICTIVE goofy circular reasoning.
The first “slow down” step is finding a new center. This sounds eastern and it is (to some degree). Moving your center, soul, source (whatever you name it) to the love you create means you slow down. You slow down because you are in control. You are important because of your connections and the love, generosity and spirit those connections create. Once you pierce the hot air surrounding your life’s “speed” you realize it is a self created mirage. Start your “slow down” journey by recovering your family, friends, pets and self. Cut out time, deflate the “hype” balloon and listen to every day’s unique song. Relocating your center can be hard. Here are some ideas that may help:
- Walks to break up your work day – take a walk midmorning and in the middle of the afternoon if you can. Get out of the office, away from your computer, cube and phone. Don’t “speed walk” but get your heart rate up. Try to segment your walk. During those segments, however long, think of a single thing.
- Use music to slow down – Ever notice how you match intensity of your workout to your music? The opposite is also true. Music can help you slow your process too. When I was in college a very hip musician friend played a record by Frank Sinatra and Brazilian Antonio Carolos Jobim . Seemed like a strange idea until I listened to the music. It is beautiful, soulful music guaranteed to slow you down.
- Eat Slow especially when you are starving - eating, in this example, is a proxy for making love. If you can slow eating down by 25% or 50% you use the same mental muscles you need to slow down physical hunger during sex.
- Watch a natural process every day to completion – nature has its own rhythm. 300 daily emails, 20 voicemails, crying children and impatient coworkers aren’t natural. Watch a bird landing on your feeder and grabbing a little dinner or wind winding its way through trees. Find one natural thing and watch it until completion.
- Visualize slowness – you’ve probably read how sports stars visualize their victories. You can do the same. Create a mental image of yourself doing an activity at 2x or 3x your normal pace. Slow down non-sexual activities to create “slow-down” muscles. Sex is hard to slow down, so if you practice on slowing down your reading, cooking or driving you develop muscle needed when tackling the hardest thing to slow down – sex.
- Practice being in the moment – living in the moment we are in may be the hardest thing we ever attempt. If someone calls you on the phone DON’T keep working on your computer as you talk. Be fully in that conversation. If you are listening to your partner isolate, reduce or eliminate “back talk” from the voice in your head. Be present and listen. Don’t bring the past or present into now (won’t do any good anyway). Like nature, each moment has a rhythm and a beat. When you are making love, each moment has a bridge to the next. Pay attention, provide feedback and focus you mind on what is happening NOW and you will slow down even doing the hardest thing there is to slow down – making love.
More soon.
Be sure to share your “My sex life sucks because….”
Do you have great music, helpful slowdown practices or any ideas that will help?
Send your emails to siiweb @ BetterSex . com with “my sex life sucks” in the subject line.
Link Ideas for immediate help:
Free Online Better Sex Love Program
Dr. Lori Buckley’s web site
How To Have Better Sex Tonight article.
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