Monday, December 8, 2008

Fall Fiction Contest Update

5 Weekly Winners...So Far
We are almost half way through our Better Sex Fall Fiction Contest. Fall Fiction Ends on Valentine's Day 2009. $100 checks have gone out to every winner but 1. One weekly winner in our fall contest also has a story in our Erotic Fiction Anthology so his check will be combined his licensing check.

Fall Fiction Contest - Judges Work Is Now Complete
The Fall Fiction Contest is now complete and author's notified. The number of stories for our Fall Fiction Contest were up significantly, less than 1 in 100 submitted stories have been selected. All authors may use "fiction" in our cart to receive 10% off any order they place (be sure to click "update cart" as that action confirms your discount).

"Fiction" = 10% off any writer order AND writer's may share this code with friends, good through Valentine's Day 2009.

Vote Now
This week we get personal early and silently. Be sure to vote for your favorite:

Getting Personal by By Elise Logan
Bright and Early By L.C. Pine
Silent Satisfaction By Scott Douglas

Royalty Payments - Notice
If your story was featured in our 2007 Erotic Stories Anthology, you will be receiving a royalty check. Checks are being cut and mailed this week. If your story was featured in our book, please be sure to provide your current mailing address to msmith(at)BetterSex(dot)com.

Honest Voting
We had an accusation of voter fraud last week and checked our algorithms closely and carefully and did not see evidence of fraud. Stuffing ballots is something we take VERY seriously and want to make sure every contestant knows to be sure to tell their friends to vote within our guidelines. In our last contest, we had to eliminate a writer because his friends stuffed his ballot box. We were forced to remove his story and he was not eligible for the fall contest. Please be sure your friends know they may only vote for your story once.

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