Monday, September 15, 2008

Super Silicone

Silicone Sex Toys

What makes silicone products so valuable? An easy answer to that question is found in the definition of silicone:

silicone sil·i·cone (sĭl'ĭ-kōn')
n. Any of a group of silicon compounds in solid, liquid, or gel form, characterized by wide-range thermal stability, high lubricity, extreme water repellence, and physiological inertness and used in many medical products, including surgical implants and dental impression materials.

Simply put, silicone is longer lasting, waterproof, and non-porous so it does not promote bacteria growth—plus it feels great! Our customers agree...

Here's a list of some of our Best-Selling Silicone Sex Toys:


A hands-free simultaneous G spot and clitoral stimulator, AND a revolutionary design that can be worn DURING intercourse. Made from silicone and waterproof.

Fleshlight & Better Sex Essentials Gel

This substantial male masturbator is discreet, smooth, soft and snug! Unscrew the top and slide your lubricated penis between the realistically fleshy folds of this super-soft smooth and 8" deep fleshlight.

Silicone Triple Orgasm Cock Ring

The Silicone Triple Orgasm Cock Ring is proof that the number of orgasms you and your partner can have is only limited by your supply of batteries and your stamina.

The Cone

Shaped like an upside down ice cream cone, the cone pinpoints vibration. What will really get you going, both literally and figuratively, is The Cone’s powerful 3 Volt 3000rpm gold brush motor with 16 pre-programmed vibration patterns.

Better Sex Essentials™ Lubricant Collection

And last but not least is our new Better Sex Essentials™ Lubricant Collection. This collection includes all our best-selling lubricants! The Gel or Liquid Lubricants are perfect and safe to use with all our silicone products. Don't forget the Silicone Lubricant for those steamy shower sexcapades!

More Silicone Products On Sale = use this link to learn about other cool silicone products.

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