Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest - Update

Traffic Jammed - Week 5 Winning Story
Our first international victory belongs to Traffic Jammed a story that made us want to be stuck in traffic. Our congratulations and a check is headed to Oh Canada. Author Lynn Lake actually mailed our limited release to us explaining there were no faxes that far north yet. We think she was only half kidding.

Read Better Sex Erotic Fiction Contest Winning Stories
- Use this link to read all 5 winning stories.

Read and Vote For Week 6 Stories
Week 6 stories awakens old and new passions, discusses a first sexual experience and ends with a sleepless night. Use these links to read and vote for your favorites:

Haven't Heard From Us?
All authors should have received a receipt for stories received. We had a few bumps when the contest started, but the last few weeks evryone seems to be hearing from us. If you are wondering if your story is in the contest, we are only a week out right now, so not all stories have been selected. Our goal is to have all stories selected and author's notified the week after the 4th. Just as we use a "rolling" admission cycle we read in batches too.

Great Writing, Great Stories
The death of the written word is grossly exaggerated based on contest submissions. We could fill three contests with quality writing, exciting narrative and engaging stories (and that is our plan). We know how hard it can be to write without reward or encouragement. In fact, our desire to create rewards for hard working writers is why this contest got started. Now the reward is ours since we get to read fantastic encouraging work. Thanks to everyone who sent us their work and please be patient as we work through the last available slots and send notes to every author.

Great work everyone!!! Thanks.

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