Sunday, May 10, 2009

The steampunk vibrator

While nobody can match the design and eloquence of Better Sex vibrators (I mean, try to beat the Butterfly Kiss Gspot Vibrator), science fiction geeks will likely experience a nerdgasm over the news that someone has created a steam-powered sex toy.

you're probably asking, does it really work? the answer is you betcha. its been proven to work (and vibrate) off of compressed air, I'm seeking a more powerful boiler than my pressure cooker so I can actually run it off of steam so please let me know if you know of one.

this is prototype so its got some quirks, the engine isn't quite as optimised as I would like (it takes way more pressure than it should to get it working) and the offset weight I need to machine some more.

Something tells me that you'd buy this one for the aesthetics, not for actual sexual pleasure. For that department, stick with these

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