Buy One, Get One
We may have messed up. We started shouting BOGO on Monday and it was one of those, "What if you created a cool sale and no one came," things. Our thinking, flawed as it clearly was, is BOGO was a well known term. You Buy One and You Get One for FREE or for 50% off or something right. WRONG! Apparently what we created most of all was confusion. Use the links below to see our BOGO (Buy One, Get One) event and tell us how to make it better:
Buy One, Get One Main Page
Buy One, Get One Free Sex Ed
O'gasmic Collection
Buy one, Get One Free, Adult Movies
Help us figure this bad boy out and we will be forever in your debt.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
BOGO Me Baby
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Case Against Divorce
Martin's Case Against Divorce
Does divorce ever make sense? If this recession is anything like the early 1980's divorce rates will decline. Divorce is expensive and expense spreads far beyond money. I wrote a piece entitled The Case Against Divorce on ScentTrail marketing recently. ScentTrail is my personal blog and who knows why late one recent night I attempted to place logic over one of our most illogical decisions. If, I was thinking, one couple can hold, meditate and THINK maybe they can save one of our most valuable gifts - intimate connection with a partner. What is your case against divorce?
Read Martin's Case Against Divorce
Monday, April 13, 2009
Last Day to find the Golden Eggs!
All good things must come to an end. Don't miss your opportunity to find some Golden Eggs! Each Golden Egg is worth 50% off! Plus up to 100 Colored Eggs worth 25% off!
Click Here to check out our Spring Sale!
Pirates II Banned at UMaryland
Upon last summer's release of Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge, Digital Playground handed out copies of the DVD to over 100 college campuses. Over the last several months, campuses have held screenings of Pirates II. A scheduled screening, April 4, at the University of Maryland caused a state senator to threaten the removal of funding from the UMaryland. Some 150 students who purchased $5 advance tickets held a free speech convention Monday, April 6, when administrators cancelled the event.
Student administration issued a statement that they initially viewed the screening as "an opportunity to engage students in a discussion about the national dialogue revolving around pornography." The student union had also invited a Planned Parenthood rep to speak about safe sex.
Undaunted by the cancellation, a group of students and professors held a "Pirates Screening Teach-In" Monday following the convention, drawing some 200 students. Luckily because of the educational components surrounding Monday night's screening, university funding was not endangered. Later administrators at College Park commented on the rogue screening, listing it as "characteristic of a vibrant educational community."
Click Here to check out Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge.